How Music Can Help The Elderly
Music has long been considered therapeutic. The elderly, in particular, appreciate music, and their caregivers should consider this. Listening to music can lower the stress hormone cortisol and decrease blood pressure. The activity of singing, although not as widely used as listening to music, is also beneficial. It can lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.
In this era, youth and younger people can rely on various methods to stay stress-free and have good mental health. They may work out regularly, take extended vacations and travel, go out with friends, participate in recreational activities like parties and sports, or try items like CBD and vapes (check out Vape batteries and refills for more info) to stay mentally and physically fit. However, the same couldn’t be said for the elderly population. Older people require special care and extraordinary solutions for stress and anxiety. In that case, music and art play an important role to help the elderly achieve their health goals.
It’s often said that music soothes the savage beast, but what about the elderly? It turns out music can play a significant role in the health and well-being of the elderly and making the right playlist can help.
Lower Blood Pressure
Music can improve a person’s quality of life, whether it’s playing their favorite song, singing in the shower, or jamming with friends. Now, research from Ohio State University suggests that certain musical genres can also prevent high blood pressure in seniors. Researchers looked at data from more than 900 older adults (average age 78) and found that those who listened to classical or jazz music had lower blood pressure. Interestingly, researchers found that those who listened to country music did not have lower systolic blood pressure but did see lower blood pressure when listening to country music.
Reduce Stress in Their Blood
Music has long been considered a way to reduce stress and tension, but new research shows it can positively affect older adults. The study, published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, examined people in a retirement home. Researchers found that those who listened to music five times per week for 20 minutes at a time had reduced cortisol levels, a stress hormone in their blood. Many people also use cannabis products such as hashish, CBD oils, and edibles to relieve stress. Supplements such as hashish (buy hashish online if interested) when combined with music can help people sleep faster and can also help reduce symptoms of insomnia.
Memory Boost
A new study finds that music can provide a mental boost for people suffering from memory loss. Researchers found that listening to music helped increase activity in the brain’s temporal lobe, which is important for memory. The researchers found that people who listened to music at least once a week performed better on memory tests than those who didn’t. They also found that listening to music rich in low frequencies, such as “soothing” music, helped.
Mental Health
Research suggests that music therapy has a positive impact on elderly mental health. Music can lower stress and anxiety and improve mood, in a way similar to what CBD (click here to learn more, if interested) does in adults. According to research, music therapy has been an effective treatment for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients and people with depression, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and other mental health issues.
Maintain Physical Health
One of the little-known benefits of listening to music is that it can help the elderly maintain physical function. Music therapy is a clinical treatment using music to address a healthcare need. There is substantial evidence that music therapy can help elderly individuals maintain physical function by treating their physical and mental disabilities. In order to maintain proper health, elders can benefit greatly from a combination of music and basic exercise (learn how exercise can help here).
How Can You Make Music Part Of Elderly:
Use Music as an Alarm
Music is a great way to stimulate your brain and body, and it can help you get up in the morning but can also help to lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, and ease your pain. Gentle music can relax, while upbeat music can help you feel more energized. Playing music while you work can also be a great way to prevent boredom or help you focus.
Make Music Part Of Your Home
Music has a healing power that can ease anxiety and stress and even enhance memory and thinking. However, for many seniors, music is the last thing on their minds. But listening to music, singing, or playing an instrument can be an important part of life at any age. Research shows that music is powerful in soothing both body and mind. Making music as entertainment can be a great way to spend leisure time for the elderly.
Try an Instrument
Music brings people together, and that holds true for seniors and younger generations alike. In fact, music therapy for the elderly can improve memory and cognition, ease anxiety, improve balance, and more. The key is to find something they both can enjoy, whether that means an instrument, a singing bowl, or the tunes of their favorite singer. Playing an instrument with the elderly can stimulate their likeness to music and make it part of their daily routine.
Music therapy can be very effective as older people with dementia have cognitive and perceptual deficits such as decreased verbal retention, decreased acuity for color, decreased ability to follow and predict visual stimuli, decreased auditory acuity, and decreased ability to recognize facial emotions. Music therapy can improve these deficits and stimulate their brain.